Hey folks, don’t mess with Grapevine!!! Keep Grapevine Beautiful is proactive in trying to prevent litter, and reactive by organizing cleanup efforts. Whether it is along the freeways, roadways, parks or lake, a litter-free community is one of our most important goals.
Research and experience have shown that litter is the result of individual behavior—choosing to litter or being careless in the handling of waste. And once litter is on the ground, it attracts more litter. A clean community, by contrast, can discourage littering and improve community appearance and quality of life. You have a role to play in preventing litter. Just one person, one school, one business, or one organization can positively impact the behavior of others in their community.
Our ECO Talks feature experts in existing and innovative fields that address compelling topics for your home and community. Go here to see upcoming ECO Talks and view past ECO Talks here.
Below are opportunities to get involved to help make ours a litter-free community!
Ever wonder why Grapevine looks so green and clean? One of the most successful litter clean-up efforts is the Adopt-An-Area program, which is comprised of volunteer groups throughout the city. Families, businesses, civic groups, and individuals have “adopted” an area within the city to keep litter-free by cleaning the area at least six times per year.
This is our annual community-wide improvement event that allows volunteers to keep Grapevine’s Lake Parks and tributaries beautiful and litter-free. Fall Sweep is held in partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful.
This is the largest clean up event in the state! Come join us and show your Texas pride by cleaning parks, streets and other green spaces in Grapevine. The Don’t mess with Texas® Trash-Off is a signature event held each April, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation and Keep Texas Beautiful.
The events listed above demonstrate our commitment to attaining a litter-free Grapevine. But how well are we doing? As a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, we annually conduct a Litter Index survey by auditing a statistical sample of properties and public rights-of-way in the city that are visible from the roadway. Areas are scored from 1 – 4, the higher the score the greater amount of litter. In 2023 our overall score was an impressive 1.35. The Grapevine community continues to score very well as shown in the graph below. This is due in large part to our volunteers participating in such programs as the Adopt-an-Area Program and litter prevention events.
In 2020 Keep America Beautiful conducted a National Litter Study which shows that although litter is down 54% on roadways, there are still 50 billion pieces of litter on the ground in our nation. The consequences go far beyond the waste-strewn landscape. The fight against litter is an opportunity for government, businesses and other community members to come together with a commitment to ending litter and littering.